Sunday, February 28, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

the worthless country


that is Canada. If you want to know why, feel free to rewatch the men's speed skating finals, where the head CANADIAN ref makes a shitty call to dq Apolo Ohno.

USA will own Canada in ice hockey on Sunday. so its ok. karma will come around. it really hasn't failed me yet.

and on another note, i love this song. even if its by people called the Canadian Tenors. its actually kind of inspiring. and the guy on the right is really cute.

seriously, the weather needs to stop

the constant rain, drastic shift in temperatures, erratic snow storms, random dirty piles of snow, gigantic puddles that sneak up on you after you've already stepped in them and gotten your entire foot soaking wet for the rest of your 8 hour day, and oh hey, let's trick you and let the sun shine for 2 hours and then swallow it all up into the most gloomy overcast sky for the next 22 hours.

arghhhhhhhh. anyway. moving on:

1. im going to the Men's Swimming and Diving NEWMACS this sunday! it actually starts tomorrow, but im not allowed to go earlier because jeff needs to focus and not get nervous. still, its his last swimming championships so, im excited for him!

2. so this was supposed to be more of a baking blog, and i actually made banana bread tonight..except i forgot to take pictures and its already packed up with jeff for his snacks. umm yeah..i don't think it was very good anyway sadly. im going to try it again in a few weeks, this time with the sour cream.

3. omg, why can't i get a grip on myself and stop psyching myself out of running? i haven't run once this week, and everytime i psych myself out of thinking i can. blahhhhhhhhhh the marathon is going to be so painful.

4. spring break!!!!! i honestly cannot wait. people may think im childish and laugh (actually they already do) but whatever. it makes me happy and i can't wait to go back. it's my home!

5. professional internships are up for disney and im applying. i've actually stopped applying for anything else. disney is my home and i need to go back. Sad it took me so long to realize that.

6. spring is going to fly by... i don't know if im happy or sad. im scared though. the future scares me.

i think i'll bake something this weekend. i'll think about this one. i want it to be a challenge.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


i need to get away from here.

please let me escape...

Friday, February 19, 2010

a little bit of happy

because we all need it.

and this makes me happy. no matter how sad, this always brings a smile to my face.

p.s. lion king tonight was amazing. i definitely was in tears...and had chills all over. best character: rafiki. booty booty booty! :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ever enough?

doesn't seem to be.

people always say if you try your hardest and sacrifice everything, then that's when you know you've done enough.

am i still missing something?

marathon training has gone out the window. i got pseudo sick, and now its back to day 1 of training. awesome.

tired..and falling behind. i need to jump back up.

"Just remember in the darkest hour
Within your heart's the power
For making you
A hero too
So don't lose hope when you're forlorn
Just keep your eyes upon the skies"


on an unrelated note.. i want to start this back up as a baking/life blog. here was my baking for valentines day! for the seals:

the valentines day gift box included fudge marble cupcakes with decadent milk chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles, with white chocolate covered oreo truffles. 


mmm tasty :)


happy valentines day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

senior spring

last night of iap!

it's actually really sad.

in other news, disneyworld again for spring break!! im actually...really excited. Two of my roommates from the Disney College Program are going down during the same week, which happened to be the best coincidence ever. I'm going down sometime in the next month so I can get recertified at Rock'n'Roller Coaster...and then get my maingate passes! yay!

class tomorrow. mit med appointment in the morning for a vaccine. ughhh. still haven't registered yet. blahh.

ps. im still obsessed with the song from the previous post
pps. i actually ran the 8 miles in the marathon training! never been so proud of myself.